Monday, 10 September 2007

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Loading Operating System onto a Symbol MC9090

Install the file "9090c50BenDC010402.exe" on your PC/Laptop.

Ensure ActiveSync is NOT running.

Connect a powered cradle to the laptop using either a serial cable or USB cable.

Start the MC9090G in IPL mode, by

Partially eject the battery

Press and hold the trigger and the power button while reinserting the battery until the MC9090 boots into IPL mode

Release the power button but continue to hold the trigger

Insert the MC9090 into the cradle then release the trigger

If you are using USB you will be prompted by the PC/laptop for a driver, point it at

C:\program files\symbol\tcm2\usb driver

On the PC/laptop

Click on "Start", "Programs", "Symbol device configuration packages", "MC9090c50 v1.4" and "TCM"

Click on the "load terminal" icon on the menu bar, you now need to download the hex files to the terminal one by one.

Browse to the "Hex Images" folder where the DCP is installed. You need to download the partition table file FIRST and the splash screen LAST, see the release notes if you are unsure which file is which.

After each file is installed you will need to reboot the terminal into IPL mode