Thursday, 15 September 2005

Zebra Serial Cable 9-9 pinouts

Here are pinouts of Zebra Serial Cable 9-9 for reference 

9 pin female end / 9 pin male end

1 W / Black 
2 G / R 
3 R / G 
4 Y / Blue 
5 Bare (shield wire) / Bare (shield wire) 
6 Blue / Y 
7 W / Black 
8 W / Black 
9 n/c / n/c 

n/c = no connection 

At both ends pins 1,7 and 8 are connected together and not to anything else.
Pins 2 and 3 cross over between the ends
Pin 4 and 6 cross over along the cable
Pin 5 is ground and the cable sheath wire is used for this.